The history of the pressure lamp is a fascinating story of the will to experiment through trial, error, and intuitive design in a struggle to win over the darkness of night to the convenience of light. When our hominid ancestors began to walk upright some three and a half million years ago, their evolutionary advantage over other species was limited to the daylight hours, and without the benefit of keen night vision, they must have been just as much at risk in the dark of night, when prey became predator. Once fire was mastered, the night began to lose its terrors, and when today we share with friends the comfort of a campfire on some remote outback vacation, or even on the resort beach or in the backyard, it isn't hard to visualise a similar scene all those thousands of years ago.
For centuries, the light of an open flame was the best we could do, and it wasn't until the eighteenth century industrial revolution in Europe and its imperative need for better lighting in order to extend the length of the working day that engineers and scientists began to seriously look at the technology of light . Many styles of oil lamps were in use, and it was known that small adjustments to the shape and length of a glass tube placed around the flame could alter the degree and quality of light emitted. Another was of producing a superior flame was to force oil to the burner, rather than to rely on capillary action. One of the earliest pressure lamps preceded the mantle by almost a century, and there is a vague similarity in the fount section for George Alcock's specification of 1806, patent number 2903, to some 20th Century lamps. Alcock's improvement is shown in the patent drawing fueling an Argand Lamp, supplying fuel oil under pressure produced by "air condensed into the upper part of its cavity by means of the syringe." The syringe, or pump, is entirely similar to the pumps on modern pressure lamps.
阿米阿根,1755年出生於瑞士,後來定居在倫敦,在1784年提出一個專利的圓形燈芯油燈,這種類型的燈迫使空氣同時傳遞到環形火焰的內部以及外側,提供更充足的氧氣給燃油燃燒。燈具變得更有效率,很明顯的液態燃油並沒有辦法持續燃燒太久。從十九世紀初,科學家和發明家已經嘗試改良燃燒器,燃料,燈芯材料和火焰參數。人們很快就意識到煤氣是更好的,更乾淨的燃料,由於它的特性,氣體更適合在大城市或富裕的家庭中使用於固定的設備中,一些消息來源提到,第一個使用壓力,迫使燃油進入燃燒器的手提燈由霍頓在1836年發明,有其他證據表明,1836年英國專利7265號提到,有一個圓形燃燒芯的燈,並用一活塞由彈簧驅動,以迫使燃料向上。這是“Moderator燈”。“Moderator燈”的前身是發條驅動的燈,由BG Carcel發明於1798年。也有一個圓形的燈芯,並且便於攜帶。
Ami Argand, born in Switzerland in 1755 but later to live in London, took out a patent for a circular-wick lamp in 1784. In this type of lamp, air is passed up the inside of the annular flame as well as around the outside, so giving a more complete oxidation of the burning oil. As lamps became more efficient, so it was apparent that the fuel oil available was not really of adequate quality. From the early nineteenth century, scientists and innovators had been experimenting with shapes of burners, fuels, wick materials and every other parameter of the flame. It was soon realised that coal gas was the best and cleanest fuel, but because of it's nature, gas was more suited to use in large towns, or in wealthy homes, and on fixed equipment. Some sources state that the very first portable lamp to use a mechanism to develop pressure to force fuel oil into the burner was invented by Houghton in 1836. There is other evidence that the UK patent was granted to "some foreigner abroad", who was Franchot from Paris. (UK Patent 7265, 1836) The lamp had a circular wick, and used a piston driven by a spring to force fuel upwards. This was the "Moderator lamp". A forerunner of the Moderator was the clockwork driven lamp of B.G. Carcel, invented in 1798. This also had a circular wick, and was portable.
In a completely different discipline, in 1828 the Swedish chemist Johan Berzelius was able to separate the oxide of thorium from one of the element's salts, although he had no idea of the ultimate widespread use to which his discovery would be put. Several years later, In 1835, William Fox Talbot recorded another crucial discovery, when he found that blotting paper impregnated with calcium chloride left a white ash with a peculiar bright after-glow when burnt. The first real mantle was still fifty years away, and many steps were still to be made before either of these discoveries was applied successfully. Not least, there was a need for a clean and economical fuel oil.
In the search for better fuels, it was discovered that the sticky oils associated with coal seams could be altered, and separated into different fractions, some of which made excellent lamp fuel. Paraffin (kerosene) was discovered in 1830 by Reichenback and Christison, working independently of one another. The first plant to produce paraffin fuel oil for lamps was started in 1848 in Derbyshire, England, and the process was patented by Dr James Young two years later. By 1858 Bissell and Drake were searching for oil in North America, and in August 1859, Drake's 69 feet deep well filled up with oil, starting a rush to buy land in the Oil Creek area. Young's oil came from shale, whereas Drake's was naturally occurring oil.
雖然路易斯先前曾製造鉑銥燈芯,它的成本高而且不穩定,這意味著它不可量產,卡拉蒙可能是第一個燈芯的設計者,在1881年時他失敗了,為了要克服技術與高溫相關的化學問題,沒能實現完全燃燒。然而,於1883年卡拉蒙在倫敦的水晶宮展示了他的燈芯,並獲得了良好的迴響。羅伯特·本生是最早全面了解高效燃燒過程的人,為了透過燃燒燃料獲得最大的能量,他創造了一個可變風阻器,使燃燒器可以過適當調整燃燒多種氣體燃料。他發明的簡單實驗室設備"本生燈"贏得巨大的名聲,自發明以來本生燈已經被製造出無數盞。其中一個羅伯特·本生的 學生,卡爾·奧爾·馮,意識到某些化學物質會在加熱時發出白熾光,他明白了用明火燈芯燈所提供的光可以被大大提高,透過一個專用的絲綢燈芯。他的第一個可以持久工作的燈芯於1885年發明,這對工業和生活照明而言是具有革命性的。在1893年燈芯已經是確定可行的裝置。像許多先驅者,卡爾·奧爾·馮是超前於他那個時代,如果沒有有效的燃燒,而導致燃燒效率降低,碳粒很快就會堵塞並破壞燈芯。卡爾·奧爾·馮所計算的氧化釷和氧化鈰(99:1)的比例是非常準確的,而且這比例仍然是現今燈芯標準。
Although Lewes had previously made a platinum iridium mantle, it's high cost and variable reliability meant that it was not a commercial success, and Clamond was probably the first man to design a working mantle, in 1881. He failed, though, to overcome the technical and chemical problems associated with high temperature, and he still could not achieve clean combustion. However, Clamond demonstrated his mantle at London's Crystal Palace exhibition in 1883, and gained a good response. Robert Bunsen was among the first to fully understand the process of efficient combustion, and in order to get the most energy out of the fuel, he had already created a variable air limiter so that a burner could be properly adjusted to burn a variety of gaseous fuels. He won lasting fame for the simple laboratory device, the Bunsen Burner, which has been made in countless numbers since its invention. One of Bunsen's students, Carl Auer von Welsbach, was aware that certain chemical substances would emit an incandescent light when heated, and he understood that the light given by an open flame wick lamp could be greatly enhanced by allowing it to play upon a specially prepared silk mantle. His invention of the first durable working mantle in 1885 was to revolutionise the industrial and domestic lighting scene. By 1893 the mantle was established as a viable device in its own right. Like many pioneers, von Welsbach was a little ahead of his time, and it was several years before the first successful commercial mantle was available in any quantity. Without efficient combustion, the carbon particles which lessened the effectiveness of open flame lamps would soon clog up and spoil the mantle. Von Welsbach's estimate of Thoria and Ceria in a 99 to 1 ratio was remarkably accurate, and those proportions remained standard for many years for all kinds of mantles. The two main uses for Thoria are in stark contrast to each other, they are lamp mantles and nuclear breeder reactors!
All important as the mantle was, it would not perform without an efficient fuel, Europe and North America were both fertile grounds for new ideas and techniques. Among those working on lighting in America were Isaiah Jennings and John Summerfield Hull. Between them, they have extensive patents on file for distilled lamp fluids and volatile fluid lamp improvements, and one of their lamps is still on display in the Henry Ford museum. It is not often we hear from decendants of the lighting pioneers, but Michael Hull has supplied information about his great grandfather that is given in Appendix 1.
Quality fuel, efficient combustion, and the mantle at last came together to produce the worlds brightest portable oil lamp. In 1895, Mueller or (Moeller) took out a patent on the ERA lamp, forerunner of the Famos, Veritas, and Aladdin family of lamps. All that remained was to add pressure to the system to further improve efficiency of combustion.
同年,1895年加壓燈設計,使用一個橡膠球提供空氣到一個含有苯的加壓容器,然後在下方燒直立燈芯。此燈是由拉姆齊描述(1968年),但它的發明者都沒有給出任何細節。然而,已知的是1895年緬因堡提出一個專利關於使用燈芯的汽化燈。另一些人嘗試透過加壓混合燃料和空氣去燃燒燈芯,但 緬因堡可能是第一個命名結合了燈芯名稱的真正汽化燈。英國專利第23836號主旨在汽化燈的專利於1895年12月12號,授予 緬因堡、文多夫 和 翰雷因,描述了一個鑄造的含有與壓縮空氣球的燈,有兩個腔室,一個包含煤油,一個包含苯。一個逆止閥被安裝在殼體內,用於進行充氣。這項研發可能是 緬因堡 從德國一直以來的工作內容。
In the same year, 1895, a pressurised mantle lamp was designed, using a rubber bulb to provide air to a pressurised container containing Benzoline, which then burned below an upright mantle. This lamp is described by Ramsey (1968) but no details of it's inventor are given. However, it is known that Meyenberg took out a patent in the same year for a pressure lamp using a mantle. Others were experimenting with mantles burning a fuel and air mixture under pressure, but Meyenberg is probably the name we should associate with the first true pressure lamp incorporating a mantle. UK Patent 23836 dated 12th December 1895, granted for Meyenberg, Wendorf and Henlein, on the subject of vapourlamps, describes a casing containing a ball with compressd air, and a lamp with two chambers, one containing paraffin, the other benzoline. A non-return valve was fitted for inflating the ball within the casing. It seems likely that Meyenberg was working from Germany.
而在德國柏林,麥斯格雷茲 也在研究煤油汽化燈的設計,在歐洲地區他的產品銷售是非常成功的(愛瑞奇和麥斯格雷茲的公司名稱為Petromax)
The Swedish company, Aktiebolaget Aladin produced a pressurised mantle lamp in 1907, which used a preheating device to start up the lamp, then relied upon the heat of the mantle to evaporate fuel oil in the riser tube. This principle has been with us ever since, and in Europe, even today, Swedish names such as Primus and Optimus are synonymous with good quality pressure lamps and stoves. In Berlin, Max Graetz was working on a design of kerosene lantern which was to be marketed very successfully in Europe by his company, Ehrich and Graetz, under the Petromax trade name.
所有這一切都發生在歐洲,但在同一時間,其他開發者正在發展自己的想法,在北美地區1890年阿瑟·基特森設計並製造了壓力驅動蒸汽燃燒的燈,但並沒有拿到他的美國專利,直到1898年,基特森燈,可能是那個時期在歐洲和美國最好的燈,至今能可使用現代煤油和汽油的特性。當中有關照明專利的理論是由A.J. English (1899) V.H. Slinack (1899) F.M. Blackman (1899) 和 W.H. Irby (1900)提出,交由 厄比和吉利蘭公司 在美國田納西州生產了約20年燈具。
All this was happening in Europe, but at the same time, other pioneers were developing their own ideas in North America. Arthur Kitson designed and built a pressure driven vapour burning lamp in the mid 1890s, but did not take out his US patent until 1898. The Kitson lamp, probably the best known from that period in Europe and the USA also incorporated features which can be traced onwards to the modern kerosene and petrol lamps in use today. Amongst the other lighting pioneers who patented their ideas were A.J. English (1899) V.H. Slinack (1899) F.M. Blackman (1899) and W.H. Irby (1900), whose lamp remained in production for about 20 years, made by the company Irby and Gilliland in Tennessee.
Right on the turn of the century, 30 year old William Coleman was selling typewriters in Alabama, when he came across the Irby and Gilliland's "Efficient Lamp". Coleman was completely fascinated by this product, and gave up the typwriter business in favour of selling the lamp. He went on to form his own company, the Hydro-Carbon Light Company, later to become the Coleman Lamp Company. Design and development proceeded, from Quick-Lite to Instant-Lite lamps and lanterns burning petroleum, then to paraffin or kerosene versions. Glass and fabric were used for fancy shades, and mica for the hardworking outdoor lanterns. A year or two ahead of William Coleman, Hans Hanson was making light generating appliances in Minnesota as early as 1896. Within ten years Hanson's American Gas Light Co. was producing high quality lamps for home and farm use.
而北美的發展集中在石油作為燃料,歐洲地區捨棄揮發油改用煤油或石蠟,可能是反映歐洲地區更高的人口密度,在發生火災時更大的風險。石蠟或煤油不易燃,把燃燒的火柴丟進一碗煤油將會熄滅。嚴重的煤油事故是很罕見的,所以它成為了首選燃料。到了1920年代的標準設計的一個燈是一個碗形油壺,從任一個內置的或單獨的泵加壓空氣。經過燃料立管,閥門,油管而汽化的燃料,搭配一個或兩個燈芯燃燒器。各大廠商生產的燈沿著這些設計,Tilley,Coleman,AGM,Evening Star,Petromax 和 Primus ,確實沒有太多的形式可以選擇。
While North American development concentrated on petroleum as a fuel, Europe was moving away from the more volatile oils to kerosene, or paraffin, probably a reflection on the far greater population density, and its greater consequential risk in the event of fire. Liquid paraffin is not flammable, and a lighted match dropped into a bowl of paraffin will be extinguished. Serious accidents with paraffin were rare, so it became the preferred fuel. By the 1920s the standard design for a table lamp was a bowl shaped fount, pressurised by air from either a built-in or a separate pump. a fuel riser, valve, generator to vaporise the fuel, and a burner above one or two inverted mantles. All the major manufacturers produced something along these lines, Tilley, Coleman, AGM, Evening Star, Petromax, and Primus among them, and there really is not much to choose between any of their models.
一個最明顯的汽化燈應用- 燈塔是最需要耀眼的光芒的,在1920年代壓力汽化燈在燈塔上廣泛被使用。
One obvious application where bright light was need was in lighthouses, and in the 1920s pressurised oil burning mantle lamps were in use in lighthouses everywhere.
技術的改進,意味著現在各廠商已在汽化器內安裝通針來清潔噴嘴,安裝酒精預熱杯或火雞來預熱煤油燈,或者安裝一個小的酒精預熱杯或“瞬間點亮設施”的去漬油燈。環繞燈芯的圓形螺旋油管的目的是在1931年由W.B. Engh提出,並成為各製造商的標準設計,如Primus,Optimus和Petromax,還有後來的Coleman。
在最早Coleman提出可以讓燃油良好汽化的設計是使用雙燈芯的雙側油管,這樣可以增加一倍的熱量輸入到油管並且消除了油管產生的陰影。Tilley的方法是使用單油管穿過燈芯來供油,這也減少了陰影。這種方法現在已經使用了70多年,至今仍然使用在現代的Vapalux和Tilley。有趣的是,在英國燈芯的最大的供應商是 Falk Stadelmann & Co,建立了進入汽化燈市場的Veritas品牌,但從來沒有如Tilley和Coleman般成功。最後這兩家在本世紀初誕生的公司,已經生產了無數的燈具已被用於在世界各地。他們至今仍然做燈具,並可能會繼續這樣做並順利進入下一個百年。
Improvements in technology meant that by now every manufacturer had incorporated a fine needle inside the vaporiser to clean the injector tip, and either a spirit holder or "roarer" to start paraffin lamps, and either a small spirit cup or an "instant light facility" to start petroleum lamps. The circular spiral vaporiser surrounding an inverted mantle was designed in 1931 by W.B. Engh, and became the standard design for manufacturers such as Primus, Optimus and Petromax, and later by Coleman. Initially, Coleman's method of achieving good evaporation of fuel oil was to use twin mantles either side of a vertical generator, virtually doubling the heat input into the oil and eliminating the shadow of the generator. Tilley's method of getting good heat transfer was to use a generator passing right through the mantle, this also gave shadow free light. This method has now been in use for over 70 years, and is still unchanged in the modern Vapalux lantern and Tilley stormlight. Interestingly, the largest and most prolific supplier of wick lamps in the UK was Falk Stadelmann & Co, a company which entered the Pressure lamp market using the established Veritas brand name, but which never really managed to compete successfully with the pressure specialists such as Tilley and Coleman. These last two companies, from humble beginnings at the turn of the century, have made countless thousands of lamps and lanterns which have been used all over the world. They still make lanterns, and will probably continue to do so well into the next millennium.
Is it any wonder that collectors all over the world love the sound and smell of the pressure lamp? There is a wealth of history in the yellow glow, and the vision and foresight of the early lighting pioneers lives on in the light given out by the descendants of their first inventions.
下面連結為~~~中國的汽化燈沿革使 .... 你也可看看 :)